Oviedo Declaration Prevention

On the occasion of the RI Convention in Singapore 25-29 May, RAG Addiction Prevention in collaboration with RAG Mental Health Initiative presents the recently launched Oviedo Declaration Prevention, which was presented during the 67th CND Session of UNODC in March this year in Vienna.


Project Youth Prevention Influencers

In the context of this globally supported declaration, RAG Addiction Prevention proposes a new project "Youth Prevention Influencers" that can easily be implemented by Rotary clubs around the world. Anyone who wants to get started with it can request support at info@rag-ap.org.


Rotarians USA join forces to save lives !!

First Response Opiate Crisis USA

With addiction stuck at alarming levels, Rotary members join the race to save lives

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Mental Health and Mental Wellbeing

Gordon McInally: "As Rotary President for 2023-24, I am placing a special focus on global mental health. Mental illness and emotional wellness can be difficult topics for anyone to discuss, and I know that there are some places in the Rotary world where those conversations are especially difficult."


The Rotary Action Group for Addiction Prevention (RAG AP) welcomes the prioritisation of Mental Health and Wellbeing from our RIP Gordon McInally. A delegation from our international board had a meeting with Gordon in Melbourne. During the meeting we were able to explain that RAG AP’s field of action falls entirely under D&DP and specifically falls under Mental Health. RAG AP is enthusiastic that attention is being paid to Mental Health and is particularly active in promoting Wellbeing.

Rotary International Convention Melbourne 2023

Rotary Action Group for Addiction Prevention

An international group of Rotarian specialists in Addiction Prevention

Vision and Mission

Substance abuse and addiction of illicit drugs is a global problem and can only be addressed by the joint efforts of all worldwide organizations including governments. 

In a combined, structured and sustained action, the mission of the Rotarian Action Group for Addiction Prevention is to strengthen those efforts by organizing an international group of Rotary specialists and activists to develop constructive plans of action to be used to initiate prevention of addiction and illicit drugs

Within Rotary the group will work to inform, stimulate, support and advise clubs and districts how to tackle the problem in a structural long-term manner, with vision and a strategy. They will offer Rotarians a quarterly newsletter, website and opportunities to interact and share ideas for awareness and prevention at conferences and conventions.


Founded in February 2013 and recognized by Rotary International in January 2016, we now operate in more than 42 countries and 45 districts... in accordance with Rotary International policy.

Our aim is to:

  • prospect all Rotarians active in prevention of substance abuse and addiction
  • bring their expertise together for study and exchange
  • learn how Rotary clubs can participate in the struggle agains addiction
  • disseminate this knowledge and the developed methodology
  • inform and stimulate Rotary Districts and clubs
  • integrate addiction prevention as an essential part of their service.

RAG AP Webinar

As an outcome of the first RAG AP Global Grant a free webinar is offered. This webinar provides an overview of how to become a member of the RAG AP and explains how to easily get started in local level prevention activities using the new Rotary Addiction Prevention Seminar Toolkit on Engaging the Community. This Rotary Toolkit offers all the media, materials and instructional guidance needed to collaborate with leading local experts and stakeholders to implement needed community-based prevention education.


Do you want to become RAG AP Member?

Register and join us!

June 26 is a Day that Offers a Chance to Fight Back Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking

RAG for Addiction Prevention supports clubs and districts in cooperation with UNODC and WHO to take action to prevent addiction and other negative behavior with evidence-based programs for local communities. Contact RAG AP to start your first action for addiction prevention: info@rag-ap.org

Toolkit on Engaging Clubs and Their Local Communities in Addiction Prevention

The Rotarian Action Group for Addiction Prevention partnered with Edventi to develop a toolkit for engaging Rotarians in community-based addiction prevention education

The model relies on collaboration with public health and prevention leadership and brings together all community stakeholders to learn about the brain science and driving forces of addiction. Through the program clubs and districts will become active in this field to help communities, schools and youth organizations to invest in primary prevention education and addiction prevention programs

The initial Rotary Addiction Prevention Seminar was launched by District 7910's Rotary Club of Newton in Massachusetts. This highly collaborative multi-district event brought community stakeholders together to learn about the driving forces of addiction.

A featured guest was Dr. Bertha Madras, an internationally respected public health authority on the addiction epidemic who served on the White House Commission on Combating Drug Addiction and the Opioid Crisis. Read more about the event

RAG AP cooperates with several NGO's

Many NGO’s and umbrella NGO’s work together to promote addiction prevention. The Rotary Action Group for Addiction Prevention cooperates with this NGO’s for the promotion of their evidence based addiction prevention programs to clubs and districts. RAG AP also keeps close contacts with UN, WHO and other official organizations for addiction prevention.

The Rotary Action group for Addiction Prevention is a group of Rotarians whose goal is to mobilize Rotarians and to offer worldwide leadership to tackle problems as drugs abuse and addiction in all its forms.

This Rotary Action group operates in accordance with the policies of Rotary International but is not an agency of, or is not controlled by, Rotary International. 

Rotarians USA join Forces

With addiction stuck at alarming levels, Rotary members join the race to save lives